Source code of so library of C source in legato-src/legeato/apps/tools/cm

We need the source code for the part of the so(share object) library that is linked to each C source code in legato-src\legato\apps\tools\cm.

Could you provide this source code??
For Ex: le module


is this what you looking for?

Thank you for answering!

Hi jyijyi,

The above is only the .h file of the pa module.
Do you have a .c file?

For example, pa_mdc.h is the main part of cm data connect.
The contents of the following API cannot be confirmed.

Since this is the source that operates pppd, it differs from the running state.
(I think another library is linked.)

LE_SHARED le_result_t pa_mdc_StartSessionIPV4
uint32_t profileIndex ///< [IN] The profile to use

I think it will link to the following which we don’t have the source code:

Thank you for answering

Sorry let me double check.

We need pa_xx.c corresponding to pa_xx.h.
The source of pa_xx.c is not published.
Is it correct?

Please tell me the reason why you cannot publish the source of pa_xx.c.

no idea, I just cannot find it in the source code.

Hi jyijyi

Thank you for your comment.
Should Sierra provide this Source code?
If Yes, I want you to look for the Source code…

I guess they will not provide publicly as from the path it is related to qualcom protocol.

Hi jyijyi

I’m sorry if my understanding is mistake.

Legato Framework is OSS. Therefore, Sierra needs to disclose the source code.
If this is correct, Sierra have to ask QUALCOMM to disclose the source.

Please let me know If my understanding is mistake.

What is OSS?
Where do you find this information?

I don’t think qualcom will allow to disclose due to license stuff

Is the Qualcomm source code not included in the above contents?

I think so.
E.g. you will not find the modem.cwe source code to download here:,-d-,1-components/#sthash.1f2rYXU5.dpbs

hi jyijyi

Please tell me if my understanding is correct.

The corresponding source code is related to the Qualcomm modem.

Legato (cm data) accesses Qualcomm functions.
Qualcomm function code is a black box.
Therefore, the corresponding source code is not disclosed.

Is this correct?

I agree with your statement

Hi jyijyi

I would like to clarify the ownership and copyright of the Proprietary source code of Legato Framework.

There are the following license patterns.
/Qualcomm Proprietary
/Sierra Proprietary

Please tell us what kind of form the ownership and copyright of these are.

please contact local FAE in case this is related to legal or license issue

Where is the platformAdaptor operated by /legato/systems/current/apps/tools/read-only/bin/cm ?

Is it /legato/platformAdaptor/qmi/bin/wp76xx/components/le_pa/ ??

i think so as it will call modemService.


Sorry for asking you so many questions.

Please tell me about the procedure (connect) inside “/legato/systems/current/apps/tools/read-only/bin/cm” to establish the data channel between the modem firmware and the kernel.

It does not include AT commands until PDP context activation.
It does not include AT commands that manipulate pppd.
Are these correct?

When executing cm data connect,
Are you using any AT commands inside “/legato/systems/current/apps/tools/read-only/bin/cm”?

Please tell us about cm data info.

Is this just doing AT+CGDCONT?
If there are other AT commands, please let me know.

/legato/systems/current/apps/tools/read-only/bin/cm data connect procedure to establish data channel between modem farm and kernel.

Without going through /legato/systems/current/apps/tools/read-only/bin/cm
Is it possible to operate only from the kernel side/console side, such as the qmi interface and AT commands?
If possible, could you let me know the operation method?
If possible by operating the driver API or the API under /sys or /dev, would you please let us know the operation procedure?

A, Allocate the IP acquired by the modem farm, to rmnet_data0 and UP
B, 10.200.109.zzz/30 dev rmnet_data0 proto kernel scope link src is added to the routing table
C, open data channel with modem farm and rmnet_data0

In “/legato/systems/current/apps/tools/read-only/bin/cm data connect”,
do you operate a modem or kernel other than the above three operations?
Can you give me some information?

/legato/systems/current/apps/tools/read-only/bin/cm data info, the procedure to get the following information,

Index: 1
PDP Type: IPV4
Connected: yes
Auth type: CHAP
User name: sora
Password: sora
Interface: rmnet_data0
Family[IPv4]: inet
Gateway[IPv4]: 10.200.109.yyy

Without going through /legato/systems/current/apps/tools/read-only/bin/cm
Is it possible to operate only from the kernel side/console side, such as the qmi interface and AT commands?
If possible, could you let me know the operation method?
If possible by operating the driver API or the API under /sys or /dev, would you please let us know the operation procedure?