Secondary Error at Download firmware

Hi all.
I’d like to flash a standard firmware on my AR7552 module. I set the module in “Bootmode”. The sierra wireless DM Port is visible in the device manager.
When I start the SWI9X15W_06.03.39.00-wp_yocto-cwe.exe to reflash the firmware. Following error appears. See attachment.
It work the whole time. But the last 2 days it won’t work. It’s very important for me the reflash my device. Because it isn’t possible for me to enter the linux interface on the module. Because something went wrong with the user settings.

Maybe some can hlep me.



If you have an AR7552 module then you must contact Sierra Wireless in order to have the matching firmware for this module.

The firmware package “SWI9X15W_06.03.39.00-wp_yocto-cwe.exe” is ONLY for WP71xx series (not for AR755x series).

The firmware package for AR755x series will have another name: SWI9X15[color=#FF0000]A[/color]_06.03.39.00-[color=#FF0000]ar[/color]_yocto-cwe.exe"
