Trying to compile a QT 5 application. when building qtbase from meta-qt5 layer from sumo branch facing error with configure tasks.
The OpenGL functionality tests failed!
| You might need to modify the include and library search paths by editing QMAKE_INCDIR_OPENGL[_ES2],
| QMAKE_LIBDIR_OPENGL[_ES2] and QMAKE_LIBS_OPENGL[_ES2] in the mkspec for your platform.
There seems to be successful build case previously with WP75 but seems to be failing with WP76.
Can you kindly advise the correction to complete the qtbase build. Attached is the do_configure logs
log.do_configure.9492 (35.0 KB)
We also see some a document from previous forum post
Legato_Yocto_Qt5_Compilation.pdf (48.7 KB)
But this seems to be not working with R16.3 SDk.
Looking forward to some suggestions.
Thanks in advance.