FX30 with (WP77xx) with Talon mangOH CAN interface

Hi @cchenry,
Thanks for your help.
Finally I can download the source code by the steps below:

  1. ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C “xxx@xxx.com

  2. cat /home/owner/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

  3. copy the value to “https://gerrit.legato.io/settings/#SSHKeys
    set the username to “xxx” in https://gerrit.legato.io/settings/#Profile ( this can only set once)

  4. sudo chmod 400 /home/owner/.ssh/id_rsa

  5. ssh-add /home/owner/.ssh/id_rsa
    Enter passphrase for /home/owner/.ssh/id_rsa:

sudo chmod 700 ~/.ssh/
sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/*
sudo chown -R owner ~/.ssh/
sudo chgrp -R owner ~/.ssh/

(where owner is the user name of my PC)

  1. in VScode, choose the profile you needed:
    leaf shell
    leaf env user --set GERRIT_USER=“xxx”
    leaf getsrc swi-linux