FTP file could not create

We are using mangoh red wp7502 module. And trying to send a file through ftp protocol. USER , PASS PASV and PORT commands were successfully implemented but we are getting 553 could not create file error while using STOR command . We are trying to send a file present in the sd card, all permissions to access the file are enabled.We enabled required permissions in vsftpd.conf.
We tried through commands in terminal using curl command. it shows 553 failed to create a file.
Should any changes be made in the server side.

		strcpy(bufer1,"STOR /etc/sd/my.txt\r\n");

It might be useful to use curl --verbose to get more info on the transation.

Is the same command working from another linux machine (Ubuntu or other)?

We used curl --verbose , it is showing the same error 553 could not create file .
Please help us.

Did you try same thing from linux/ubuntu machine? If you have not tried, Please try the same things from linux/ubuntu machine. If you don’t see this issue on linux/ubuntu machine, Please let us know.

Muralidhara N.