Error Building Meta-mangOH


Following the link on mangOH forum Bluetooth on mangOH Yellow - mangOH Yellow - mangOH forum tried adding the meta-mangOH layer to the yocto build.

The bluez5.52 recipe keeps on failing on the fetching task, can some one confirm if they see the similar error?

attached is the fetch logs.

Thanks & Regards,

Pankaj Sant

bluez5_failed_fetch_function.txt (395.2 KB)

From this link it seems the project has been moved to codelinaro Code Aurora git repositories

For the error "

 fatal: repository '' not found
| WARNING: /wp76_r13.1.1_linuxsrc/yocto/build_bin/tmp/work/armv7a-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/bluez5/5.52-r0/temp/run.do_get_codeaurora.861:1 exit 128 from 'git clone git:// git/codeaurora/bluez'"

It seems the link no longer exists, git clone from the terminals results similar error however using the link CodeLinaro / la / platform / external / bluetooth / bluez ยท GitLab able to pull the bluez5 source code.

Can anyone help with changing the SRC_URI to the newer link? There are errors encountered with do_fetch functions further after changing the SRC_URI in the recipe.