Does anybody know how to install driver for RTL8153 ? Can I just enable or install it in WP7502 module or do I need to rebuilt kernel? any help appreciated. Thanks.
If you are not affraid by Yocto then you can rebuild an image with RTL8152/RTL8153 kernel driver enabled as module:
- In your
recipe, add:
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
SRC_URI += "file://enable-RTL8153.cfg"
- In the folder where your
recipe is located, create a folder “files
” and create in this folder a file named “enable-RTL8153.cfg
” with the following content:
- In your
recipe, add:
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " kernel-module-r8152"
Rebuild and flash yocto_wp75.cwe
Then you should be able to load the kernel module using this command:
modprobe r8152
If you don’t want to generate your own Yocto image then you can use Legato Kernel Module Definition .mdef:
If you are using WP75 release R16.1 or newer, you can build from source.
Latest Realtek driver source code for RTL8152/RTL8153 is available on their web site:
Hi, I’m trying to do the same kind of thing. The problem is that I’m not too familiar with Yocto and kernel stuff. I’m having a bit hard time understanding how to do this, so is there any specific instructions for newbie how to create a new kernel module and build from source? I tried to create a new folder under mangOH/linux_kernel_modules on mangOH VM with downloaded drivers and .mdef-file. Then I tried to rebuild mangOH system as it was advised to do in here (mangOH Red mt7697 WiFi · mangOH/mangOH Wiki · GitHub). I managed to install the system but somehow it installed it with framework version 18.09.0 (I used to be on 18.06.4) which then broke all my existing applications. Am i anywhere near doing this right and how can I downgrade my device?