Cross-compiling Libraries Error

Hello all,

I’m trying to cross-compile the “boost” libraries for the Airlink FX30.
For starters, I’ve created a user-config.jam file in my home directory with the following contents (my apologies on this being a bit hard to read, I had to use absolute paths or else the cross-compiler would complain):

using gcc : arm : /home/developer/legato/packages/legato.toolchain.1.7.3.SWI9X15Y_07112100-wp85-wp750x-native-x86_64-201701091132/resources/native/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/bin/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-g++ : <cxxflags>--sysroot=/home/developer/legato/packages/legato.toolchain.1.7.3.SWI9X15Y_07112100-wp85-wp750x-native-x86_64-201701091132/resources/native/sysroots/armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi <include>/home/developer/legato/packages/legato.toolchain.1.7.3.SWI9X15Y_07112100-wp85-wp750x-native-x86_64-201701091132/resources/native/sysroots/armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi <linkflags>-L/home/developer/legato/packages/legato.toolchain.1.7.3.SWI9X15Y_07112100-wp85-wp750x-native-x86_64-201701091132/resources/native/sysroots/armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/lib -L/home/developer/legato/packages/legato.toolchain.1.7.3.SWI9X15Y_07112100-wp85-wp750x-native-x86_64-201701091132/resources/native/sysroots/armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/local/lib <compileflags>-v ;

As you can see I’ve set the sysroot to the directory that is the / directory of the disk image. I’ve also set library paths to the disk image’s /usr/lib & /usr/local/lib directories. I also tried several variations on setting the include path to point to the disk image, but I run into issues when compiling the boost libraries.

I put the following code on the command line:
./ --without-libraries=python
./b2 --debug-configuration toolset=gcc-arm -q

Then it will compile, but when the compiler hits the alloc_lib.c file, it gives an error. It can’t find a header file (in this case h I find strange because the header file is available on the disk image in multiple directories like /usr/include/

What struck me as odd is that the include search for this file has a lot shorter search list than for other files. It only searches in the next directories:

End of search list.

But when, for example, searching for headers for libboost_atomic, it looks in more directories:

 #include "..." search starts here:
 #include <...> search starts here:

Can anybody help me with this problem?

Boost libraries has lot of dependencies and applications using this libraries will requires to share multiple .so. So it may be better to build it as part of root file system by modifying the yocto recipe as below:

The receipes for boost library addition is present in the below path:
To enable building this library to the RFS image use edit the below file and add image_install line.

vi yocto/meta-swi-extras/common/recipes/images/

			IMAGE_INSTALL += "boost"'

Output libraries of boost is generated here.

$Yocto/build_bin/tmp/work/swi_mdm9x15-poky-linux-gnueabi/mdm9x15-image-minimal/1.0-r0.0/rootfs/usr/lib/ libboost* libraries