The log level filtering from the command line is not working using the below command:
$ log level INFO myProc/myComp
As per the 17.06 reference manual, Settings in the Log Control Daemon applied through log control tool has to override the environment variable settings when the process connects to the Log Control Daemon.
But log level Settings from the Log control Daemon is not overriding the Environment Variable log level settings.
In the below Example :
The Environment variable sets log level to INFO
When I change the log level to Error from command line using any of the below commands:
log level ERROR helloWorld/helloComponent
log level ERROR “/”
The level changes are not reflected in System logs.The log level in system logs was INFO not ERROR
But when I do : log list
This is what I observed:
/* @ ERROR
/framework @ ERROR
/helloComponent @ ERROR
/helloWorld_exe @ ERROR
pid 3780
/framework @ ERROR
/helloComponent @ ERROR
/helloWorld_exe @ ERROR
But in systemlogs the log level was still INFO.
When no log level is configured in environment variable,the default log level “INFO” is taken but not taking the settings from log tool.
Can you please help on this?
Board: mangOH Green
Chip: WP85
Legato version: 17.06.0