avcService stopping ongoing wifi connection

we have a problem with the avcService which seems stopping the ongoing wifi interface everytime it tries to connect to AirVantage.
So with the device connected to a specific AP, as soon as the timer expires, the:
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.info Legato: INFO | dcsDaemon[1223]/dcs T=main | dcs.c le_dcs_AddEventHandler() 635 | Adding channel handler for channel NETGEAR24 of technology wifi
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.info Legato: INFO | dcsDaemon[1223]/dcs T=main | dcs.c le_dcs_Start() 421 | Starting channel NETGEAR24 of technology wifi by app session with reference 0x7f5abe28
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.debug Legato: DBUG | wifiService[1320]/daemon T=main | le_wifiClient.c le_wifiClient_GetCurrentConnection() 1177 | AP reference of currently selected connection: 0x19b
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.debug Legato: DBUG | wifiService[1320]/daemon T=main | le_wifiClient.c le_wifiClient_GetSsid() 1134 | AP ref 0x19b
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.debug Legato: DBUG | wifiService[1320]/daemon T=main | le_wifiClient.c le_wifiClient_GetSsid() 1154 | apPtr->AccessPoint.ssidLength 9
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.info Legato: INFO | dcsDaemon[1223]/dcs T=main | dcsTech.c le_dcsTech_Start() 338 | Request to start channel NETGEAR24 of technology wifi
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.debug Legato: DBUG | wifiService[1320]/daemon T=main | le_wifiClient.c WifiClient_LoadCfg_WpaPsk() 1776 | Succeeded to read passphrase from secStore path wifiService/channel/NETGEAR24/passphrase for SSID NETGEAR24
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.debug Legato: DBUG | wifiService[1320]/daemon T=main | le_wifiClient.c WifiClient_LoadSecurityConfigs() 1882 | Successfully retrieved security parameters for protocol 3 over SSID NETGEAR24
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.debug Legato: DBUG | wifiService[1320]/daemon T=main | le_wifiClient.c IsScanRunning() 584 | IsScanRunning .0
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.debug Legato: DBUG | wifiService[1320]/daemon T=main | le_wifiClient.c FindAccessPointRefFromSsid() 265 | Find AP from SSID
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.debug Legato: DBUG | wifiService[1320]/daemon T=main | le_wifiClient.c FindAccessPointRefFromSsid() 279 | Found apRef 0x19b
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.debug Legato: DBUG | wifiService[1320]/daemon T=main | le_wifiClient.c le_wifiClient_SetSecurityProtocol() 1406 | Set security protocol
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.debug Legato: DBUG | wifiService[1320]/daemon T=main | pa_wifi_client.c pa_wifiClient_SetSecurityProtocol() 835 | Security protocol: 3
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.debug Legato: DBUG | wifiService[1320]/daemon T=main | le_wifiClient.c le_wifiClient_SetPassphrase() 1211 | Set passphrase
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.debug Legato: DBUG | wifiService[1320]/daemon T=main | pa_wifi_client.c pa_wifiClient_SetPassphrase() 1253 | Set passphrase
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.debug Legato: DBUG | wifiService[1320]/daemon T=main | pa_wifi_client.c pa_wifiClient_SetPassphrase() 1258 | Set passphrase
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.info Legato: INFO | wifiService[1320]/daemon T=main | le_wifiClient.c WifiClient_LoadSecurityConfigs() 1943 | Succeeded to set into wifiClient security parameters of protocol 3 for SSID NETGEAR24
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.info Legato: INFO | wifiService[1320]/daemon T=main | le_wifiClient.c le_wifiClient_LoadSsid() 2034 | Succeeded to create AP reference 0x19b for SSID NETGEAR24
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.warn Legato: -WRN- | wifiService[1320]/daemon T=main | le_wifiClient.c le_wifiClient_Start() 826 | WIFI client already started
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.debug Legato: DBUG | wifiService[1320]/daemon T=main | le_wifiClient.c le_wifiClient_Connect() 1562 | SSID length 9 | SSID: “NETGEAR24”
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.info Legato: INFO | wifiService[1320]/daemon T=main | pa_wifi_client.c pa_wifiClient_Connect() 1053 | Connecting over SSID length 9 SSID: “NETGEAR24”
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.debug Legato: DBUG | wifiService[1320]/daemon T=main | pa_wifi_client.c GenerateWpaSupplicant() 902 | Generate Wpa Supplicant
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.info Legato: INFO | wifiService[1320] | WIFICLIENT_CONNECT
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.info Legato: INFO | wifiService[1320] | 3434 ? 00:00:00 wpa_supplicant
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.warn Legato: -WRN- | wifiService[1320]/daemon T=main | pa_wifi_client.c pa_wifiClient_Connect() 1079 | WPA_SUPPLICANT is running already
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.debug Legato: DBUG | wifiService[1320]/daemon T=main | le_wifiClient.c le_wifiClient_Disconnect() 1587 | Disconnect
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.info Legato: INFO | wifiService[1320] | WIFICLIENT_DISCONNECT
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.info Legato: INFO | wifiService[1320] | OK
Aug 29 11:59:01 fx30s user.info Legato: INFO | wifiService[1320] | WiFi client disconnected.

the dcsDaemon called from the avcService will try to connect and as soon it detect the connection is ongoing, will stop it to reconnect once again.
Is this what is supposed to happen and is there any way around this?
We are transmitting data to our backend and would prefer if the flow is not interrupted by avcService and the connection to AirVantage.

problem solved, I believe this was due to the AT command I used to start the Air Vantage connection.