May 8 06:31:27 | supervisor[523]/supervisor T=main | proc.c proc_Start() 1190 | Starting process 'HitecsaIOT' with pid 17984 May 8 06:31:27 | supervisor[17984]/supervisor T=main | proc.c proc_Start() 1155 | Execing 'HitecsaIOT' May 8 06:31:27 | _UNKNOWN_[17984]/framework T=main | LE_FILENAME le_fdMonitor_Create() 672 | FD Monitor object name 'HitecsaIOT.HitecsaIOTComp.le_data' truncated to 'HitecsaIOT.HitecsaIOTComp.le_da'. May 8 06:31:27 | _UNKNOWN_[17984]/framework T=main | LE_FILENAME le_fdMonitor_Create() 672 | FD Monitor object name 'HitecsaIOT.HitecsaIOTComp.le_info' truncated to 'HitecsaIOT.HitecsaIOTComp.le_in'. May 8 06:31:27 | _UNKNOWN_[17984]/framework T=main | LE_FILENAME le_fdMonitor_Create() 672 | FD Monitor object name 'HitecsaIOT.HitecsaIOTComp.le_cellnet' truncated to 'HitecsaIOT.HitecsaIOTComp.le_ce'. May 8 06:31:27 | _UNKNOWN_[17984]/framework T=main | LE_FILENAME le_fdMonitor_Create() 672 | FD Monitor object name 'HitecsaIOT.HitecsaIOTComp.le_mdc' truncated to 'HitecsaIOT.HitecsaIOTComp.le_md'. May 8 06:31:27 | _UNKNOWN_[17984]/framework T=main | LE_FILENAME le_fdMonitor_Create() 672 | FD Monitor object name 'HitecsaIOT.HitecsaIOTComp.le_sim' truncated to 'HitecsaIOT.HitecsaIOTComp.le_si'. May 8 06:31:27 | serviceDirectory[531]/serviceDirectory_exe T=main | serviceDirectory.c DispatchToServer() 713 | Client (uid 0 'root', pid 17984) disagrees with server (uid 0 'root', pid 580) on protocol ID of service 'HitecsaIOT.Hitecs May 8 06:31:27 | _UNKNOWN_[17984]/framework T=main | LE_FILENAME ReceiveSessionOpenResponse() 684 | Unexpected server response: -6 (LE_FAULT). May 8 06:31:28 | dcsDaemon[576]/dataConnectionService T=main | dcsServer.c CloseSessionEventHandler() 2327 | Client 0x28a3c killed, remove allocated resources May 8 06:31:28 | supervisor[523]/supervisor T=main | proc.c proc_SigChildHandler() 1942 | Process 'HitecsaIOT' (PID: 17984) has exited with exit code 1. May 8 06:31:28 | _appStopClient[17989]/framework T=main | LE_FILENAME CreateSocket() 550 | Socket opened as standard i/o file descriptor 2! May 8 06:31:28 | supervisor[523]/supervisor T=main | app.c app_SigChildHandler() 3258 | Process 'HitecsaIOT' in app 'HitecsaIOT' faulted: Rebooting system. May 8 06:31:28 | supervisor[523]/supervisor T=main | supervisor.c Reboot() 589 | Supervisor going down to trigger reboot.