Yocto distro toolchain change to linaro

Hi Voloviq,

Using another toolchain with the WP85 might not be so easy, as there is a lot of compatibility issues between libraries that are in the toolchain and on the target.
In the end building the QT5 support within the WP85 Yocto distribution might actually be a simpler course of action.

There is this article on how to use a meta-qt5 layer: http://wiki.wandboard.org/index.php/Building_Qt5_using_yocto_on_Wandboard

Yocto 1.7 is called dizzy so you would need to take GitHub - meta-qt5/meta-qt5 at dizzy and configure build_bin/conf/bblayers.conf to use that layer.

If you add ‘inherit populate_sdk_qt5’ in meta-swi/common/recipes-core/meta/meta-toolchain-swi.bb it should include the QT5 dependencies.
Then do ‘make toolchain_bin’, and the resulting toolchain should have qt5 tools.

Best regards,