Syslog + Legato logread

Hey sorry to dig again into that thread but I found something that could help with logs.
There is a file: /etc/syslog-startup.conf where you can update the config to change the log output.
For example if you want to log into /home/root/syslog.log you can update the file to have something like this :

# first line change from buffer to file
DESTINATION=file      # log destinations (buffer file remote)
# second line to telle where the file will be created
LOGFILE=/home/root/syslog.log   # where to log (file)
REMOTE=loghost:514      # where to log (syslog remote)
REDUCE=no               # reduce-size logging
DROPDUPLICATES=no       # whether to drop duplicate log entries
#ROTATESIZE=0           # rotate log if grown beyond X [kByte]
#ROTATEGENS=3           # keep X generations of rotated logs
BUFFERSIZE=2000         # size of circular buffer [kByte]
FOREGROUND=no           # run in foreground (don't use!)
#LOGLEVEL=5             # local log level (between 1 and 8)

Hope this can help

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