Function file file_exists in .adef

I want my application to work on FX30 (WP77xx, legato 18.10) and mangOH Red (WP77xx, legato 18.10) without recompiling source every time, I want to change a unit.
I should have one .update file for both units. Unfortunately, mangOH Red uses I2C-5 and FX30 I2C-4.
When I add to .adef file:

[rw] /dev/i2c-4 /dev/i2c-4
[rw] /dev/i2c-5 /dev/i2c-5

application crashes on FX30, because /dev/i2c-5 does not exist. Error - file does not exist.

Based on documentation ( I changed .adef file to:

#if file_exists(/dev/i2c-5)
[rw] /dev/i2c-5 /dev/i2c-5
[rw] /dev/i2c-4 /dev/i2c-4

It would work if function file_exists worked. The function returns false even if /dev/i2c-5 exists.

Can we create a dynamic link /dev/i2c-x in file system by ln command?
If yes, you can link to this device node in the adef file

How can I create dynamic link and link it? Have you got example?

Not sure if this works but you can have a try
ln -s /dev/i2c-4 /dev/i2c-x

Hi Bartek,
I think you can try making your application unsandboxed, then you can remove the I2C devices from your adef and just use the required one from within your app.