Compiling to specific glibc version with mkapp

yes, I did re-install the toolchain and now that is the same as per export.
The main problem was that the toolchain is for the wp77 and not the FX30, with higher revision for the GLIBC.
I have also got the leaf up and running, I was just missing the leaf shell which is basically setting up the environment.

Now that I am compiling with the correct toolchain for the firmware in the FX30S, I see an error for missing random.h file, which should be the reason why the app could not be ran on the target. At least things start making sense now…

My question is if you have a proper timeline for the new firmware to come available as 1-2 weeks should not be a problem, but is this happening for sure??
Otherwise I will need to dive into the yoctoproject to rebuild the image of the target which I haven`t done for a while and I would avoid if possible…